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08ASLA專業(yè)設計獎-綜合設計類榮譽獎--Walden 工作室
(ASLA)專業(yè)設計獎-綜合設計類榮譽獎--Walden 工作室(Walden Studios) 獲獎信息: 2008美國景觀景觀設計協會(ASLA)專業(yè)設計獎-綜合設計類榮譽獎 簡介: 項目地點:美國加利福尼亞州亞歷山大河谷 設計單位:Andrea Cochran景觀設計公司,舊金山市,加利福尼亞州; Walden Studios, Alexander Valley, CaliforniaAndrea Cochran Landscape Architecture, San Francisco, California 評委會評語: 簡潔干凈的線條看上去似乎無須花費太大力氣來進行設計,事實上卻需要有極高的設計天賦才能實現。設計師對項目的把控游刃有余,十分清楚什么時候該停止下來。設計手法令人驚嘆,非常明快而干脆。 The clean, simple lines make it seem effortless and that takes a lot of talent to achieve. This landscape architect has great confidence and knows exactly when to stop. The craftsmanship is amazingly crisp 項目介紹: 此工作室坐落在俄羅斯河流的洪泛區(qū),地域富饒,土壤肥沃,非常適合農業(yè)生產。盡管這里現在是葡萄種植區(qū),但歷史上這里曾經以種植蛇麻草和修剪李子而知名,原先這里是個修剪包裝場。設計師的理念是為了喚起人們對果園的記憶,提醒人們這里曾經碩果累累,以制造出一種明顯的農業(yè)氛圍。 The project is sited in the flood plain of the Russian River, with deep, rich soil ideally suited for agriculture. Although now a prime wine-growing region, historically the area was known for growing hops and prune plums, and this property originally served as a prune-packing plant. The design intention was to draw on the memory of the orchards that once filled the valley in order to create a palpable link with its agricultural past.
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